GitHub Projects I’m working on
- Cryptography Toolkit
- JavaScript implementation of the Schnorr BIP
- JavaScript implementation of the AEZ encryption scheme
- Multiple PRs for LND
- Zeus Server
- Bitcoin Core with QT GUI running in Docker
- Web/JavaScript animation of a lightning bolt in any DOM element
- Web/JavaScript animation of how Lightning Network channels work
- Web/JavaScript animation of how HTLCs work (work in progress!)
- Blockchain Demo
- Workshop: The Lightning Network
- Control layer and admin GUI for Crypto Currency Wallets running in Docker containers
- Collection of HOW-TOs
Slides of my workshops and talks.
- The Lightning Network: Hands-on workshop
- Smart Contracts/The Lightning Network: Talk at the Impact Hub on 2018-02-07
- Bitcoin Cryptography with JavaScript: Talk at the BernerJS meetup on 2018-06-26
- Bitcoin Addresses: Talk at the meetup at Tesla on 2018-07-10
- Macaroons: What are they, how do they work and how are they used in LND?
About me
Oliver Gugger
Technology, Bitcoin and Free Software enthusiast, currently working as a lightning infrastructure engineer for Lightning Labs remotely.
Contact me at gugger [at]
. Recruiters NOT welcome!